Chelifer cancroides (Linnaeus, 1758)

Chelifer cancroides (Linnaeus, 1758)









Acarus cancroides Linnaeus, 1758: 616; Linnaeus, 1760: 616; Linnaeus, 1761: 480; Scopoli, 1763: 390; Pallas, 1772: 29.

Chelifer cancroides (Linnaeus): Geoffroy, 1762: 618; Schrank, 1781: 525; Fourcroy, 1785: 526; Latreille, 1795: 19-20; Latreille, 1796: 109; Geoffroy, 1799: 618; Lamarck, 1801: 177; Lamarck, 1802: 48; Schrank, 1803: 244-245; Hermann, 1804: 114-116, plate 5 figs 6, o, r; Latreille, 1804: 141-142; Lessert, 1905: 654; Latreille, 1806: 132-133; Latreille, 1810: 424; Leach, 1814: 429; Latreille, 1817: 109; Lamarck, 1818: 80; Latreille, 1818b: 13, plate 348; Latreille, 1825a: 132; Duméril, 1826: 49, plate 56 fig. 4; Brébisson, 1827: 263; Guérin-Méneville, 1828: 598; Anonymous, 1831b: 283 (as Chélifer cancröìdes); Anonymous, 1832: 754 (as Chélifer cancröìdes); Théis, 1832: 69-73, plate 3 figs 1, 1a-c; C.W. Hahn, 1834: 52-53, fig. 139; Latreille, 1837: 316, plate 23 fig. 1; Anonymous, 1835: 186; Dugès and Edwards, 1836: 84; Westwood, 1836: 10; Latreille, 1837: 316, plate 23 fig. 1; Lamarck, 1838: 108-109; Lamarck, 1839: 301; C.L. Koch, 1843: 41-42, fig. 780; Gervais, 1844: 77; Carrara, 1846: 101; Lucas, 1849: 273 (as Chelifer cancroïdes); Menge, 1855: 30-31, plate 1 figs 2-3, 5-8, 15, plate 2 figs 1-3, 5-14, plate 3 figs 1-2, 8-12, plate 4 fig. 5; Kolenati, 1857: 431-432; Hagen, 1868b: 51; Packard, 1869: 216, fig. 1; Hagen, 1870: 264-265; L. Koch, 1873: 16-17; Möllendorff, 1873: 24; Ritsema, 1874: xxxiv; Stecker, 1874b: 236; Stecker, 1875d: 88; Simon, 1878a: 146; Simon, 1878b: 155; Simon, 1879a: 23-25, 312, plate 17 figs 4, 6, plate 18 fig. 2; Daday, 1880a: 192; Tömösváry, 1882b: 206-208, plate 1 figs 20-24; Canestrini, 1883: no. 6, figs 1-3; Becker, 1884: cclxiii (as Chelifer cancroïdes); Simon, 1887: 36-37; Daday, 1888: 121, 176; Packard, 1888: 43; Daday, 1889c: 25; Daday, 1889d: 80; Banks, 1890: 152; Alfonsus, 1891: 503-506; O.P.-Cambridge, 1892: 220-221, plate B figs 12, 12a-b; Banks, 1895a: 3; Banks, 1895c: 431; Lameere, 1895: 475; F. Müller and Schenkel, 1895: 822; Simon, 1895: 168; Becker, 1896: 328-329; Pocock, 1896c: 237, fig. on p. 237; Ellingsen, 1897: 14-16; Kathariner, 1898: 250; Simon, 1898d: 20; Simon, 1899d: 86; Tullgren, 1899a: 167-169, plate 1 fig. 1; Banks, 1900b: 543; Simon, 1900b: 593; Strand, 1900b: 4-5; Artault de Vevey, 1901: 105 (as Chelifer cancroïdes); Bruntz, 1903: 367-372; Ellingsen, 1903: 11; Simon, 1903b: 387; Stschelkanovzeff, 1903a: 318; Banks, 1904b: 364; Simon, 1904: 444; Ellingsen, 1905d: 1; Nosek, 1905: 120, 154; Planet, 1905: 281-282, unnumbered fig. on p. 279 (as Chelifer cancroïdes); Tullgren, 1906a: 203, figs 2c, plate 4 fig. 1; Ellingsen, 1907a: 162; Godfrey, 1907: 162-163; Masefield, 1907: 435; Strand, 1907: 243; Tullgren, 1907e: 246; Whyte, 1907: 388-389, fig.; André, 1908: 289-290; Banks, 1908a: 39; Banks, 1908b: 4; O.P.-Cambridge, 1908: 185; Coolidge, 1908: 109; Ellingsen, 1908a: 416; Ellingsen, 1908c: 670; Ellingsen, 1908d: 69-70; Ellingsen, 1908e: 163; Godfrey, 1908: 157; With, 1908a: 221; André, 1909a: 478-479; André, 1909b: 278-279; Banks, 1909c: 173; Ellingsen, 1909a: 209, 216; Godfrey, 1909: 153-154; Kew, 1909a: 249; Warburton, 1909: 436, 438; Dionne, 1910: 34-35; Ellingsen, 1910b: 62; Stephens, 1910: 138; Banks, 1911: 637; Ellingsen, 1911c: 174; Ewing, 1911: 66-75, 77-78, figs 1-8; Kew, 1911a: 48-49, fig. 11; Ellingsen, 1912b: 83, 92; Daiber, 1913: fig. 34b; Ellingsen, 1913a: 454; Scheuring, 1913: 630-631; Kew, 1914: 95; Moles, 1914c: 187-188; Kew, 1916a: 124; Kew, 1916b: 79; Standen, 1916a: 17; Daday, 1918: 2; Navás, 1918: 89; Frickhinger, 1919: 170-171; Navás, 1919: 211; Fage, 1921a: 102; Moles and Moore, 1921: 6; Navás, 1921: 165; Alfonsus, 1922: 2-3; %Filleul, 1922: 140 (not seen); Hirst, 1922: 36-37; Whyte, 1922: 37; Caporiacco, 1923: 131; Navás, 1925: 107, fig. 4; Kästner, 1927b: figs 1, 2, 9, 51, 52, 54-56; Pratt, 1927: 409, figs 645a-b; Ewing, 1928: figs 6a; Redikorzev, 1928: 123; Schenkel, 1928: 57, figs 1, 3-6; Väänänen, 1928a: 19, figs 1, 4, 5(I); Väänänen, 1928b: fig. 2; Hewitt and Godfrey, 1929: 309-311; Buresch, 1930: 19; Chamberlin, 1931a: 168, figs 1b, 1e, 1l, 1r, 14m-n, 15aa, 18s, 20i-j, 45e-f, 45n, 46h, 46k, 47b, 47k, 47n-o, 51n-o, 71; Kästner, 1931a: 73-77, figs 1-2; Beier, 1932e: 236-237, figs 1-2, 244-246; Beier, 1932g: figs 157-158, 200b, 221, 226, 266; Berland, 1932: figs 64, 66-67, 70; Chamberlin, 1932a: 19; Nester, 1932: 98; Schlottke, 1933: 109-112, figs 1, 2a-c; Vachon, 1932: 21-26, figs 1-7; Vachon, 1933a: 1874-1875; Vachon, 1933b: 59-64, figs 1-8; Ellis, 1934: 71; Tumšs, 1934: 19; Vachon, 1934a: 174-177; Vachon, 1934b: 155-159, figs a-h; Vachon, 1934c: 38-54, figs g, j-p; Vachon, 1934e: 154-155; Vachon, 1934f: 158; Beier, 1935d: 176; Chamberlin, 1935b: 481; Redikorzev, 1935b: 17; Savory, 1935: figs 60, 65; Vachon, 1935c: 21-29, figs a-i; Vachon, 1935j: 187; Franganillo, 1936: 155; Nordberg, 1936: 48-49; Roewer, 1936: figs 1-2, 80, 85, 127; Vachon, 1936a: 78; Vachon, 1936b: 140; Vachon, 1936c: 294-298, figs 1-6; Vachon, 1936d: 89-91; Roewer, 1937: 312, figs 179-182, 190-195, 198; Strebel, 1937: 143-155; Vachon, 1937f: 128; Brimley, 1938: 497; Hadži, 1938: 31, fig. 28; Proctor, 1938: 448; Vachon, 1938a: 25-35, 90-91, figs 1, 9-14, 15a, 50, 63-73, 75-85; Vachon, 1938b: 200; Wolf, 1938: 620; Beier, 1939a: figs 162-165, 166e, 167-168, 169a-f, 171-180; Beier, 1939e: 312; Beier, 1939f: 199; Hadži, 1939b: 47; Lohmander, 1939b: 319-320; Caporiacco, 1940: 7; Kästner, 1940: fig. 79; Schlottke, 1940: 58-69, figs 1-6; Vachon, 1940f: 2, 3; Vachon, 1943: 299-302, figs 1-8; Beier, 1944: 206; Hoff, 1944b: 123, figs 1a-b; Savory, 1945: 180, 185-186, fig. 68; Vachon, 1945a: 85; Cooreman, 1946b: 7; Proctor, 1946: 510; Kaisila, 1947: 86; Vachon, 1947d: 177-178, fig. 1; Beier, 1948a: 191; Beier, 1948b: 445, 459, 462; Caporiacco, 1948c: 242; Cârdeiu, 1948: 2, fig. 1; Levi, 1948: 290-298, figs 1-2, 3a-i; Gertsch, 1949: 17; Hoff, 1949b: 486-487, figs 9, 48; Kaisila, 1949b: 86-89, map 13; Petrunkevitch, 1949: fig. 6; Redikorzev, 1949: 660-661; Vachon, 1949: figs 199e, 208, 214a-c, 215-216, 221, 222c, 223a, 228-229, 231-233, 235-238; Hoff, 1950a: 1-2; Beier, 1951a: 104; Beier, 1952e: 5; Hoff and Clawson, 1952: 35; Levi, 1953: 55-59, figs 5, 10-11; Woodruffe, 1953: 753; Beier and Franz, 1954: 458; G.O. Evans and Browning, 1954: 17, figs 17, 23; Weidner, 1954b: 110-111; Beier, 1955a: 18; Ketterer, 1955: 93-96; Beier, 1956h: 24; Hoff, 1956d: 3; Hoff and Bolsterli, 1956: 177; Kästner, 1956: fig. 582; Alexander and Ewer, 1957: 315-316; Cloudsley-Thompson, 1958: 96; Hoff, 1958: 32; Ressl and Beier, 1958: 2; Beier, 1959a: 276; Beier, 1959d: 63; Hoff, 1959b: 5, etc.; Takashima, 1960: 26, plate 13 fig. 4; Hoff, 1961: 457; Kobakhidze, 1961b: 471-472; Weygoldt, 1961: 361-364, fig. 1; Meinertz, 1962: 102-104, figs 1a-b, 6, 21a, 22 a-b, 54a-b, 57a-b, 58a-b; Morikawa, 1962: fig. 3; Weygoldt, 1962: 303-305, fig. 5; Beier, 1963b: 287, fig. 288; Beier, 1963f: 197; Beier, 1963g: 275; Beier, 1963h: 156; Höregott, 1963: 546; Hoff, 1964b: 6; Kaisila, 1964: 54; Lehtinen, 1964: 285; Meinertz, 1964: 401, map 8; Savory, 1964a: figs 30, 38; Vachon, 1964b: 4840, figs 1-4; Weygoldt, 1964b: figs 16c, 22-24, 28, 31-33, 37, 41, 60; Wheeler and Wheeler, 1964: 8; Beier, 1965f: 97; Kobakhidze, 1965b: 542; Ressl, 1965: 290; Helversen, 1966a: 149; Helversen, 1966b: figs 1c, 4d, 7a-b; Kobakhidze, 1966: 706; Savory, 1966: fig. 1; Vitali-di Castri, 1966b: fig. 2; Weygoldt, 1966d: 14, 15, 16, figs 1, 12, 70; Zangheri, 1966: 532; Beier, 1967d: 87; Beier, 1967f: 314; Beier, 1967g: 358; Rafalski, 1967: 19-20; Aru, 1968: 607, fig. 1; Cloudsley-Thompson, 1968: 126, 128, 132, 135, 137, 139, 140; Kaestner, 1968: 213, 215, 216, 217, 218, fig. 12-3; Legendre, 1968: fig. 15; Levi and Levi, 1968: 121, fig.; Beier, 1969b: 194; Hammen, 1969: 22; Kaestner, 1969: fig. 611; Lazzeroni, 1969b: 410; Lazzeroni, 1969c: 243; Manley, 1969: 9, fig. 11; Weygoldt, 1969a: 14, 28, 56-57, 63, 76-79, 100, 105, 106, 108-110, 117, figs 1a-b, 5-7, 26, 50, 56, 68, 69a-b, 70, 95, 97; Legg, 1970a: fig. 2c; Helversen and Martens, 1971: 378; Muchmore, 1971a: 89, 91; Schaller, 1971: 426; Verner, 1971: figs 1, 71; Kofler, 1972: 288; Legendre, 1972: 447; Legg, 1972a: 576, figs 1(2a, 3b), 3(1); Cutler and Richards, 1974: 1394; Legg, 1972b: 5; Legg, 1973b: 430, fig. 2c; Ćurčić, 1974a: 27; Beier, 1976a: 25; Jones, 1975a: 88; Klausen, 1975: 64; Legg, 1975a: 66; Legg, 1975d: fig. 2; Nelson, 1975: 293-294, figs 78-81; Strouhal and Vornatscher, 1975: 515; Beier, 1976f: 244; Cekalovic, 1976: 19; Ćurčić, 1976b: 179; Rowland and Reddell, 1976: 18; Drogla, 1977: fig. 1; Estany, 1977b: 32; Mahnert, 1977b: 68; Mahnert, 1977d: 97; Savory, 1977: figs 90, 98; Crocker, 1978: 9 (as Celifer [sic] cancroides); Jones, 1978: 90; Benedict and Malcolm, 1979: 192-193; Judson, 1979a: 61; Schaller, 1979: plate 10.III fig. 13; Jones, 1980c: map 25; Bernath and Kunz, 1981: 262, fig. 2; Mendel, 1981: 230; Sanocka-Woloszynowa, 1981: 37; Badian and Ogorzalek, 1982: 137-142, figs 1-25; Krumpál and Kiefer, 1982: 14; Bacallado, 1984: 110; Cekalovic, 1984: 28; Cloudsley-Thompson, 1984: 187; Jędryczkowski, 1985: 80; R.E. Jones, 1985: 71; Lippold, 1985: 40; André and Jocqué, 1986: fig. 1e; Schawaller, 1986: 10-11; Badian, 1987: 1418, figs 1-8; Barnes, 1987: 531, 532, figs 13-41, 13-43; Callaini, 1987b: 286; Eisenbeis and Wichard, 1987: figs 43a-b, 45a-c; Harvey, 1987e: 188-189; Jędryczkowski, 1987b: 146, map 13; Mahnert, Adis and Bührnheim, 1987: fig. 1; Sharkey, 1987: 17; Krumpál and Cyprich, 1988: 42; Legg and Jones, 1988: 135-136, figs 5e-f, 35a, 35b(a-j); Mahnert, 1988a: 69; El-Hennawy, 1988b: 11; Schaefer, 1988: 100; Ducháč, 1989a: 181; International Commission on Zoological Nomenclature, 1989: 143; Schawaller, 1989: 24; Brusca and Brusca, 1990: fig. 4g; Hauser, 1990: fig. 1; Drogla, 1990: 102; Heurtault and Vannier, 1990b: 143-150, fig. 1; Mahnert, 1990b: 684; Muchmore, 1990a: 524, figs 18.88, 18.90-18.92; Harvey, 1991a: 487-490; Schneider, 1991: 88; Snider and Nelson, 1991: 262; Dashdamirov and Schawaller, 1992b: 63; Gärdenfors and Wilander, 1992: 29, fig. 3d; Behan-Pelletier, 1993: 15; Canard and Stockmann, 1993: fig. 8; Hogue, 1993: 501, fig. 4.7c; Proctor, 1993: 156; Ducháč, 1994: 145; Judson, 1994a: figs 8a-h, 12, 15; Ruppert and Barnes, 1994: fig. 13-36, 13-38; Scudder, 1994: 18; Gardini, 1995a: 7; Jędryczkowski, 1995: 512; Platen, Blick, Bliss, Drogla, Malten, Martens, Scaher and Wunderlich, 1995: 55; Sláma, 1995: 543-552, figs 1-2; Legg and O'Connor, 1997: 114, fig. 9; Petrov, 1997: 266; Agnarsson, 1998: 30-31, figs 18-19; García Carrillo, 1998: 13; Poinar, Ćurčić and Cokendolpher, 1998: 84, 87, 88, 89, 90; Ducháč, 1999a: 14; Legg, 1999: 1; Gardini, 2000: 119-120; Henderickx, 2000c: 68; Coddington and Colwell, 2001: 212; Šťáhlavský, 2001: 88, fig. 8; Beron, 2002: 37; Weygoldt, 2002f: 484, fig. 665; Delfosse, 2003: 39; Krumpál and Krumpálová, 2003: 123; Ćurčić, Dimitrijević and Legakis, 2004: 262; Drogla, 2004: 6; Drogla and Lippold, 2004: 27; Mahnert, 2004: 465, fig. 6; Ozimec, 2004: 388; Buddle, 2005: 14, 15, unnumbered fig.; Donovan and Paul, 2005: 83; Tooren, 2005b: 96; Villegas-Guzmán and Pérez, 2005a: 65, 67, 76; Francke and Villegas-Guzmán, 2006: 294; Harvey, 2007: 364-365; Kárpáthegyi, 2007a: 89; Kárpáthegyi, 2007b: 96; Šťáhlavský and Krásný, 2007: 432; Watermolen, 2007: 3; Zaragoza, 2007a: 52-53; Ceballos and Ferradas, 2008: 110; Gonzalez, Mantilla and Mahnert, 2008: 471; Holmen and Scharff, 2008: 68; Kunt, Bayram, Yağmur and Danısman, 2008: 77; Dhora, 2009: 42; Sirvid, Zhang, Harvey, Rhode, Cook, Bartsch and Staples, 2010: 89; Talvi, 2010: 130, 131.

Phalangium cancroides (Linnaeus): Linnaeus, 1767: 1028; O.F. Müller, 1776: 192; Roemer, 1789: 33; Cuvier, 1797: 470 (as Phalangium cancroïdes); Linnaeus, 1788: 2944; Villers, 1789: 82-83; Donovan, 1797: 83-84, plate 225 (as Phalangium crancroides [sic]); Berendt, 1830: 30.

Scorpio cancroides (Linnaeus): Fabricius, 1775: 400; Fabricius, 1781: 551-552; Roemer, 1789: 67; Rossi, 1790: 139-140; Fabricius, 1787: 348; Fabricius, 1793: 436-437; Cederhielm, 1798: 197; Panzer, 1798: fasc. 50.14, fig.; Illiger, 1807: 139-140; Rossi, 1807: 221.

Chelifer europaeus de Geer, 1778: 355-357, plate 19 figs 14-15; de Geer, 1783a: 215 (synonymised by Fabricius, 1781: 551).

Obisium cancroides (Linnaeus): Illiger, 1798: 501; Walckenaer, 1802: 253; Bernard, 1893b: 428.

Chelifer hermanni Leach, 1817: 49, plate 142 fig. 3; Risso, 1826: 157; Warburton, 1909: 438 (as Chelifer hermannii); Judson, 1997a: 19-20 (as synonym of Chelifer cancroides Linnaeus) (synonymised by Simon, 1879a: 24).

Chelifer sesamoides Audouin, 1826: 174-175, plate 8 fig. 4; Audouin, 1827: 413-414, plate 8 fig. 4; Dugès and Edwards, 1836: plate 20 bis figs 4, 4a-c; Gervais, 1844: 80, plate 25 fig. 2; Lucas, 1849: 273; Hagen, 1870: 267 (synonymised by Beier, 1932e: 236).

Chelifer ixoides C.W. Hahn, 1834: 53, fig. 140; Latreille, 1837: plate 23 fig. 2; C.L. Koch, 1837: fasc. 140.4, fig.; Latreille, 1837: plate 23 fig. 2; C.L. Koch, 1843: 39-40, fig. 779; Gervais, 1844: 79; L. Koch, 1873: 23-24; Stecker, 1874b: 236; L. Koch, 1877: 180; L. Koch, 1881b: 45; Krauss, 1896: 628 (as Chelifer ixioides [sic]) (synonymised by Simon, 1878b: 155).

Chelifer granulatus C.L. Koch, 1843: 37, fig. 777; L. Koch, 1873: 21-23; Canestrini, 1874: 225; Ritsema, 1874: xxxiv; Stecker, 1874b: 236; L. Koch, 1877: 180; Hansen, 1884: 538-540; Croneberg, 1887: 147; Croneberg, 1888: fig. 4; Hansen, 1894: 205-208, plate 4 figs 10-13; Krauss, 1896: 628; With, 1906: 48; Hansen, 1930: plate 15 figs 1a-b (synonymised by Simon, 1878b: 155).

Chelifer grandimanus C.L. Koch, 1843: 38-39, fig. 778 (synonymised by Simon, 1879a: 24).

Chelifer rhododactylus Menge, 1855: 32, plate 4 fig. 6; Hagen, 1870: 267; Stecker, 1874c: 311-313 (synonymised by Stecker, 1875d: 88).

Chelifer serratus Stecker, 1874b: 235-236; Stecker, 1875d: 88 (synonymised by Beier, 1932e: 236).

Chelifer hermannii Leach: O.P.-Cambridge, 1892: 219-220, plate B figs 11, 11a.

Chelifer (Chelifer) cancroides (Linnaeus): Ellingsen, 1905c: 16; Ellingsen, 1910a: 384-385; Lessert, 1911: 19-20, figs 1-2; Standen, 1912: 14; Nonidez, 1917: 20; Redikorzev, 1924b: 24, figs 1, 3; Kästner, 1928: 7, figs 1, 22-23; Beier, 1929a: 347-348; Beier, 1929d: 155; Berland, 1929: 15.

Chelifer cancroides dentatus Ewing, 1911: 73 (synonymised by Hoff, 1949b: 486-487).

Chelifer walliskewi Ellingsen, 1912b: 101-103 (misidentification, in part).

Chelifer dentatus Ewing: Chamberlin, 1931a: fig. 10j.

Not Acarus cancroides Linnaeus: %Poda, 1761: 122 (not seen) (misidentification; see Lamprochernes nodosus (Schrank)).

Not Phalangium cancroides (Linnaeus): Shaw and Nodder, 1791: no pagination (misidentification; see Cheiridium museorum (Leach)).

Not Chelifer cancroides (Linnaeus): Anonymous, 1834: 162 (misidentification; see Lamprochernes nodosus; Lukis, 1834: 162-163 (misidentification; see Lamprochernes nodosus; Moore, 1834: 321-322 (misidentification; see Lamprochernes nodosus; %Stevens, 1866: xxvii (not seen) (misidentification; see Lamprochernes nodosus; Spicer, 1867: 244 (misidentification; see Lamprochernes nodosus; Anonymous, 1875: 185 (misidentification; see Lamprochernes nodosus; Newman, 1875: 186 (misidentification; see Lamprochernes nodosus; %Leydig, 1881a: 180 (not seen) (misidentification; see Lamprochernes nodosus; %Mégnin, 1886: 241 (not seen) (misidentification; see Lamprochernes nodosus; Hess, 1894: 120 (misidentification; see Lamprochernes nodosus); Hagen, 1868a: 435 (misidentification; see Parachelifer muricatus (Say)); Leidy, 1877: 260 (misidentification; see Chernes sanborni Hagen); %Fenizia, 1902: 55 (not seen) (misidentification; see Lamprochernes nodosus (Schrank)); Morley, 1932: 79 (misidentification; see Neobisium (Neobisium) carcinoides); Morley, 1940: 167 (misidentification; see Neobisium (Neobisium) carcinoides).

Not Chelifer (Chelifer) cancroides (Linnaeus): Beier, 1930d: 202 (misidentification; true identification unknown).

